grüezi & welcome to bake affairs…

… baking and cooking is one of my passions. I love spending time in the kitchen, preparing all kinds of cakes, desserts and pastries. A few years ago, I decided to write this blog and share my favorites delights with you. I hope you will enjoy the recipes and thank you for visiting.

Happy baking, Bridget




148 thoughts on “”

  1. Hi Bridget,
    Glad to get connected to your blog. Amazing bakery recipes and wonderful pics. Would love to learn so much more from you


  2. Hi Bridget, ich hoffe es ist nicht unanstädig auf Deutsch zu kommentieren. Du hast mir ein Kompliment zukommen lassen mit einem sehr schönen Kommentar zu meinem Blog. Werde etwas rot im Gesicht, wenn ich Deine Art zu bloggen betrachte.
    Das Kompliment muss dringend an Dich zurückgegeben werden.
    Ich bin gelernter Hotelpatissier und weiss was gut gemacht ist (soll bescheiden rüber kommen 🙂 ), aber Deine Rezepte sind… Ähh Wahnsinnig, die Fotos sind so einladend, die Beschreibung so verständlich… Ja eben ähh… Ohne Worte, genial.

    Liebs grüessli


    1. Hi Bettina, sorry for my late response and thank you so much for the nomination! I feel very honored and touched that you like my blog enough to nominate it to an award. I really appreciate, but I have decided to not accept any awards. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again, und es herzlichs Grüessli us Rafz, Bridget

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Bridget 🙂
    Thanks you so much for liking so many of my posts and following my blog 🙂 You have an amazing blog, everything looks so appealing and delicious. I’m so happy to have found your blog!


    1. Dear Shatarupa, thank you so much for the nomination! I feel very honored and touched that you like my blog enough to nominate it to an award. I really appreciate, but I have decided to not accept awards. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again, warmly, Bridget


  4. Hi, Bridget 🙂
    I was totally drawn to your blog because of your completely perfect pictures, wow! 🙂 thanks for sharing them with us and for managing such a great blog 😀


    1. Dear Joanne, thank you so much for the nomination! I feel very honored and touched that you like my blog enough to nominate it to an award. I really appreciate, but I have decided to not accept awards. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again, warmly, Bridget


  5. A thought for you and my warmest wishes….Happy Easter, my dear Bridget – to you and your family. You are one of the most beautiful persons the blogosphere came up with.
    Warmly, Luana.


    1. My dear Luana, I’m really touched by your kind words and thoughts, thank you so much! Hope you are fine and wish you and your family a very Happy Easter too. Do you have any special plans for the Easter days? We will enjoy a few peaceful days at home with a family lunch on Sunday. Take care, warmly, Bridget


      1. Hello my dear…no kind words, just sincerity. Glad to hear about you and your peaceful planns. I will enjoy some peace, too…Getting around Rome…probably visiting some exhibition, too…My kind of “peace” actually…::)
        A big hug and I can’t wait to know about your Easter menu…:)


  6. what a lovely blog, dedicated to baking! The photos are fantastic, as much as the recipes are tasty, I’m sure. Glad to have found you, looking forward to your posts…Do check my humble space when you get the time 🙂


    1. Liebe Becky, vielen Dank für die Nomination! Ich freue mich sehr darüber, dass dir mein Blog gefällt und fühle mich über die Nomination für den Liebster Award sehr geehrt. Nun habe ich mich aber entschlossen, keine Awards anzunehmen und hoffe, du kannst dies verstehen. Nochmals ganz herzlichen Dank und liebe Grüsse, Brigitte


      1. Liebe Brigitte, das ist zwar schade für mich, weil mich deine Antworten interessiert hätten, aber die Entscheidung ist natürlich vollkommen in Ordnung.
        Liebe Grüße, Becky


    1. Dear Shatarupa, thank you so much for the nomination! I feel very honored and touched that you like my blog enough to nominate it to an award. I really appreciate, but I have decided to not accept awards. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again, warmly, Bridget


  7. Hi Bridget,
    Thanks for popping by my blog. Your blog is absolutely wonderful – I was drooling over the macarons as I read the recipe.
    Thanks and look forward to staying in touch!



  8. My dear Bridget….just wanted to let you know I have finally got all the ingredients I need for your recipe….can’t wait to try it! I will surely show you!!!!
    Thank you again.

    warmly, Luana


    1. Dear AJ, thank you so much for the nomination! I feel very honored and touched that you like my blog enough to nominate it to an award. I really appreciate, but I have decided to not accept awards. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again, warmly, Bridget


    1. Dear Jhuls, thank you so much for the nomination Blog of the Year! I feel very honored and touched that you like my blog enough to nominate it to an award. I really appreciate, but I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again with warm regards and happy baking, Bridget


    1. Hi dear, thank you so much for the nomination! I feel very honored and touched that you like my blog enough to nominate it to an award. I really appreciate, but I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again with warm regards and happy baking, Bridget


    1. Dear Anneli, thank you so much for the nomination! I feel very honored and touched that you like my blog enough to nominate it to an award. I really appreciate, but I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again with warm regards and happy baking, Bridget


    1. Hi Dan, thank you so much for the nomination and your kind words. I feel very honored and touched that someone likes my blog enough to nominate it to an award. I really appreciate, but I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again with warm regards and happy baking, Bridget


  9. I am in love with your recipes! I just returned from a dreamy 5 weeks in France with my new husband and your recipes are so inspiring and your photography is beautiful. I’ve only been to Geneva, but someday, I would like to visit more of the countryside of Switzerland. 🙂


      1. Indeed!!!! you know I used to have my group of friends….8 of them are Scorpio…what a mess..::))
        :)…my best friend is a Scorpio…really don’t know what to think, only that sometimes people create special connections…..


    1. Good evening Luana, thank you, I feel very touched about your kind words and that you are thinking of me. I’m very well and everything is fine. I even made some cakes and desserts during the last weeks but either there wasn’t time to make some pictures of it 😉 or the result wasn’t that nice like expected to…. But I will be back blogging soon, I have a lot of recipes in my mind (and hopefully soon in the oven..) 🙂 Have a cheerful evening, love and hugs, Bridget


      1. Ok…now I feel better…) You were always PRESENT…so full of life and colorful desserts…This “silence” was not natural…But I was wrong!
        hugs & turn back soon!
        we need your special…vibe:)


  10. Your baked goods look wonderful. I am anxious to try them out. Thank you so much for sharing your love of baking and recipes with the rest of us. Best wishes to you! Koko❀ ✿ ❁ ✾


  11. You’ve got some amazing recipes here girl! Not only that, but your photos are wonderful. I’m vegan, but I have fun veganizing recipes. I’m certainly going to try to veganize some of the yummy stuff you have here. Celeste 🙂


  12. I’ve had to stop myself drooling looking through your posts. Fantastic is all I can say…Thanks so much for taking the time to look through my blog and even like some of the posts. And thanks for following…
    Looking forward to trying some of the recipes you’ve posted.


  13. Hi Bridget, Thank you so much for recently stopping by my blog. I have loved looking at yours today, and want to make everything you have posted!:) Best wishes to you, and I look forward to seeing your future posts as well as making some recipes from those you have already posted.


    1. Hi Amy, thank you so much, I feel very honored and touched that someone likes my blog enough to nominate it to an award. I really appreciate, but I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again with warm regards and happy baking, Bridget


    1. Hi, I feel really honored and touched that someone likes my blog enough to nominate it to an award like this one. I really appreciate. I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again and kind regards, Bridget


  14. Everything on here looks so delicious, I find it hard to look at (well not really) I think I gained 5 kilos juts looking though 🙂
    Your posts and photos are very mouthwatering.


    1. Hi, I feel really honored and touched that someone likes my blog enough to nominate it to an award like this one. I really appreciate. I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again and kind regards, Bridget


    1. Dear Arianna, I am very touched by your words and feel really honored that you nominate my blog it to an award like this one. But I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again with kind regards, Bridget.


    1. Dear Nadja and Noemi, I appriciate and feel really honored and touched that you both like my blog enough to nominate it to an award like this one. But I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again and I look forward to your next post. Kind regards and happy baking, Bridget.


  15. I just want to pop in and say hi and it’s so nice to meet you. Thanks so much for liking my posts and following my blog. I’m so glad to have found your blog… I just love it and have been following. I look forward to reading more. 🙂


    1. Hi, I feel really honored and touched that someone likes my blog enough to nominate it to an award like this one. I really appreciate. I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again and kind regards, Bridget.


    1. Hi Candy, I feel really honored and touched that someone likes my blog enough to nominate it to an award like this one. I really appreciate. I have decided to not accept awards because there are so many wonderful blogs that I really would have a difficult time making that list. I hope you do not feel offended. Thanks again and kind regards, Bridget.


  16. Thank you so much for following my blog, Bridget and liking my posts! I just followed yours. Why? There are so many wonderful recipes…wow! 🙂 Have a great day!


  17. I’ve just start to learn baking and so glad to have chance upon your blog. You create wonderful work! There is so much I can learn from you. Expect me to drop by often. I am following! 🙂


    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and also for your kind comments & wonderful compliments. I appreciate! If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me. Happy baking and all the best, Bridget


  18. Hi Bridget, thanks so much for stopping by my blog, so glad it led me to yours! I love your recipes and photos. I’ve always wanted to go to Switzerland, I hope maybe one day you’ll post some photos of your beautiful country.


  19. Kimberly told me to come here…ohh myyy i will be making many of the delicious things you have here…Baking is not my strength so i do really admire you. Everything looks so yummy 🙂


      1. The pleasure is mine indeed. I shall be going back to Europe again this year. Hopefully, I’ll be able to see more of Switzerland, I’ve only been around Basel which was lovely. Take great care
        God bless


  20. Thanks for liking several of my posts and the follow. I am completely enjoying reading your blog.Great work !!


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