dacquoise with mandarins

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and a good start into the new year. We were invited to a lovely new years party at our good friends home. For this special and festive occasion I wanted to surprise my husband and friends with a delicious and nice looking dessert. A few month ago, I made a Dacquoise with mixed berries and it was a big hit on my summer party, so I decided to make this dessert – cake again, but instead of berries I took some refreshing and sweet mandarins.

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dacquoise with summer fruits

A  Dacquoise is a kind of dessert cake made with layers of almond or hazelnut meringue, filled with pastry cream, buttercream or whipped cream and topped with seasonal fruits. The texture of this classic french cake is soft and creamy, crisp and crunchy and will satisfy everyone. It will take some time to prepare this heavenly dessert but it is worth it.

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